Aaaahhh! What was that?oh well.
Then suddenly I looked behind me and I there saw a shadow.
I looked around to see who that was but nobody was there.
I went to bed and then something said a nursery rhyme really slowly.
I was scared to death.
Then I saw that shadow again.
It creeped towards me and then grabbed me.
I went high in the sky and saw the witches layer.
The shadow was actually a witch.
When we got to the witches layer she pinned me to the ground and laughed an evil laugh.
Then I froze.
Then the world froze.
It was the witches spell.
Suddenly I was normal again.
Just me.
I grabbed the witches wand and flew back down to earth.
I had the most amazing time flying.
But then the world unfroze and the witches came back for me.
Well that was the end of me and the end of the story.