Sunday, 16 June 2013

Letter to Mrs Mitchell


Dear Mrs Mitchell

How are you? I am happy.

The weather in the weekend was cold and damp and a little bit foggy. I watched a movie about a cat called Melody and a dog named Waggles.

How was your weekend? Were your kids naughty or good?

This week I hope that I sleep better and that Podge doesn't attack my ear again! He took a big chunk out of my ear because I was giving him a cuddle but he hated it.

I hope you have a great week and you enjoy reading my letter.

Love from your friend Rachel

Sent from my iPad


  1. Dear Rachel

    Thanks you for your lovely letter. I am happy too. I had a good weekend with Alexi and Jack. They were both good but Jack was a pain. He woke up on Saturday night for 2 hours in the middle of the night. I was not happy about that.
    This week I hope I sleep better too. This is the last week Mr Brake will teach then you will have me back again. I hope Im not too grumpy.
    I have enjoyed reading your letter.
    Love Mrs Mitchell

  2. nice letter rachle your good at writing letters to people did it tack long to writ that letter? poor mrs Michel having to get up at night im a deep sleeper so I don't wake up much and I snore
    from lily
